
Red Flags Game

  1. Red Flags Game Expansions
  2. Red Flags Game Rules

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Red Flags, is designed to have you take on the role of an auditor in a company. You will be tasked to encounter, identify and solve red flag issues pertaining to Accounting Fraud through a series of “Investigative Trials” The game will cover the following learning objectives: 1. Highlighting the principles of governance, risk and control 2. Identifying and analyze potential fraudulent. Red Flags is an adult card game, especially the Tabletop Edition (Not at all recommended for children). In Red Flags, one player is chosen to be the Single, this player works as a type of Judge. The rest of the players draw four White (Perk) cards and three Red cards (Red Flags).

Red Flags is a party card game playable by 3 to 10 players. The goal of the game is to be the first player to win 7 cards. If you are looking for a shorter game, you can play two rounds around the table and the player with the most cards is the winner. In Red Flags, your goal is to use 'Perk' cards to create the best date for 'The Single' (the judge for this round). However, there is a catch. Players may also play 'Red Flags' (bad traits) in an attempt to sabotage another player's hot date.

We at BOL know that training on the Red Flag rules won't be the highlight of the day for many people. Getting employees interested enough to learn can mean taking the creative and fun route. That is why we're offering these Red Flag games to BOL users.

The Scrambler has ten Red Flag key words jumbled up. The Crossword Puzzle has eleven arcoss and down Red Flag words. There is an answer key for the instructor.

There is also an Excel-based Red Flag Jeopardy game. This should be customized to fit your bank, and it is easy to do.To play the game, the five categories and five questions under each are hyperlinked to make the game flow smoothly.

Here are the three games. We hope you find them fun and helpful. (Right click to save the files to your drive)

Earlier this month we reviewed Red Flags, an awesome card game from Skybound Games that focuses on poor dating choices. You can read that review here if you wish to learn more about the game, but today, we're reviewing the expansion packs. Now much like its predecessor Superfight, Skybound have gone all out to make some impressive additions to their latest card game with various results. We're going to review all five packs that are currently out and let you decide what you'd like to add to your collection.

First up is the official Expansion One pack, which of course, was the first expansion. This is a mix of white perk cards and red 'Red Flag' cards. The entire purpose of this set is to give you more options to add to the base game without delving into some of the more intense packs. As you can see below, you get some decent additions to the white ones that feel more fantastic than practical compared to the regular game. However, the red cards are a lot more devilish and make it even harder to sell a date properly. The set isn't too remarkable, but it does give better options to mess with people.

Next up is the Dark Red Flags expansion. This is straight up some of the worst of the worst their crew could come up with. The entire set is red flag cards, with a deeper hue to them so you know something extra terrible is coming your way. This is the set I fell in love with the most because some of these are just absolutely impossible to overcome. But on the same token, you can royally mess someone's hand up good and proper if you know they've got a winning date no matter what you put down… except for this. You can see by the options below just how bad they are. I highly recommend this set for adults with no filter.

The third pack is The Date Deck, and this one works a little differently than the others. These are all Purple cards that do not into either the red or white piles. What you do is draw a card before each round starts and you are given a scenario of what kind of date you're looking for. A good example from below is 'Person you would feel the safest with'. It is up to the players to craft a date and convince you with those perks and red flags that their choice fits that criteria, and you have to decide which one works the best. It adds a bit of a twist that everyone will have to work around and adds a challenge to the game on both sides. I recommend it to throw an extra wrench into the works.

Next up are the Sexy Red Flags. Probably the most enticing of the bunch who are looking for more carnal choices, these are all white cards to be added to the regular deck. You'll see below that they are basically some of the best sexual fantasies possible to put in a card game, all designed to sell your possible date as hard as possible (pun intended) before anyone has a chance to throw down a red flag and sabotage your chances. Again, this is a deck for people who have zero filters and are unafraid of taboo topics to make the game interesting. If you really want to make things interesting, play a game of just Sexy and Dark Red Flags and see where life takes you.


Finally, we have the Nerdy Red Flags. While the cards are yellow, they are to be mixed into the white and red flags accordingly to how their color scheme matches. These are straight up geeky references ranging from Star Wars to Star Trek, Lord Of The Rings to Legend Of Zelda, Wonder Woman to Iron Man. If you're playing a board game like this, chances are you already have a nerdy set of friends, so this will fit in nicely with all of your nerdy tendencies.


Overall, aside from the first expansion which is kinda so-so, there really aren't any bad choices so far. I'd be keen to see what they do for a second expansion and how they make those choices different from the primary game or the first expansion. But overall, you can't really go wrong with the choices you have here. As always, buy the main game and test it out to see how you feel about it and then add what you need.

Red Flags Game Expansions


Red Flags Game Rules

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